
Best Drone Under 200 in 2024: Comprehensive Guide

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Finding the right affordable drone within a good price range can be tough, especially if you’re new to drones. In 2024, there are many quality drones for less than $200. They are affordable but still have great features. This guide shows the seven best drones that are great deals. They are cheap but still good quality.

Each drone here is picked for how well it works, how long it lasts, and how easy it is to use. If you’re just starting with aerial photography or you’ve been flying for a while and need a cheaper drone, these drones are great for all kinds of users. For those specifically looking for value, finding the best drone under 500 can be a key consideration. Keep reading to learn more about each drone and find the best one for your needs in flying drones.

7 Best Drone Under 200

When exploring the 7 Best Drone Under 200, finding the right balance between affordability and functionality is key. These affordable drones are chosen for their impressive features. They offer a good balance of price and performance. Every model is unique, especially in areas like video and photo quality, battery life, weight, and design. We’ll go into details of each, talking about their pros and cons, and who would benefit from them the most.

These drones come in various models, each with its own strengths. Some are lightweight, making them easy to carry, perfect for travelers or hikers. Some drones excel in aerial photography with more minutes of flight time. This means you can take pictures for longer. No matter if you’re just starting or have flown drones before, these reviews will make it easy to understand what each drone can do.

Going through each review is like experiencing these drones firsthand. You’ll get a feel for how they handle the air, the quality of the camera, their ease of use, and overall design. Let’s explore these top choices to find the best drone that matches your needs for aerial exploration and photography.

Holy Stone HS360S

The Holy Stone HS360S drone stands out for its blend of features and performance, especially considering its price. It has a 4K HD camera that takes 8Mp photos and 2.7K videos. The absence of a gimbal stabilizer means the footage might not be as smooth as some pricier models. But the image and video quality are still impressive for this class.

Its design is compact and sturdy, great for outdoors. It’s light and has foldable propellers, making it easy to take along on trips. But, its light weight might make it less stable in wind.

The drone’s battery is 7.4v 1500mAh, giving about 20 minutes of flight time. This is good for casual use. If you need more time, consider getting extra batteries. The balance between battery life and charging time is good.

Flight performance is strong with GPS-assisted return to home, stable hover, and optical flow positioning. These features make it easier to control and safer, especially for beginners. Its advanced controller, with built-in repeater, different speed rates, and data display, makes flying enjoyable. It’s good for beginners and also for experienced users.

However, the HS360S doesn’t have obstacle avoidance or a gimbal stabilizer. This could be an issue for complex photography and videography.

In summary, the Holy Stone HS360S is a balanced choice for beginners and casual users. It’s good for simple photography and videography. While it has some limits, like no obstacle avoidance and stabilizer, its strengths in camera quality, flight, and design make it a good choice in its price range.

RC Viot EC120

The RC Viot EC120 is a low-cost, lightweight GPS drone that stands out for its combination of features suitable for both beginners and experienced drone enthusiasts. Weighing under 250 grams, it doesn’t require FAA registration, making it hassle-free and highly portable for outdoor activities.

Key features include a 4K UHD camera with a 110° wide-angle and a 90° adjustable lens, offering high-resolution images and videos. This drone supports an impressive 50 minutes of flight time with two intelligent batteries and boasts a range of up to 1 kilometer, facilitated by its brushless motors. These motors not only enhance speed and efficiency but also provide stability in challenging conditions, such as windy weather.

The drone’s integrated GPS system ensures precise flying and includes a return-to-home (RTH) feature for safety, automatically returning the drone to its take-off point in case of low battery or signal loss. Additionally, the drone is equipped with smart functions like Optical Flow, Altitude Hold, Headless Mode, One Key Start, and speed adjustment options, making it user-friendly for beginners and children.

For photography and videography enthusiasts, the drone’s intelligent flight modes, including Follow Me, Tap-Fly, and Circle Fly, allow for capturing professional-grade footage with ease. However, some users have noted minor limitations in return precision and potential connectivity issues at longer distances.

Overall, the RC Viot EC120 is highly recommended for its competitive pricing and impressive feature set, making it an attractive option for leisurely flying, aerial photography, and various professional applications​​​​​​.


The TENSSENX TSRC Q7 drone blends advanced features with affordability. It’s ideal for beginners and enthusiasts, thanks to easy controls. The drone has a 4K UHD camera with image stabilization and an adjustable lens. But, the lack of a gimbal can affect steadiness in shots.

For flight, the TSRC Q7 offers GPS-assisted smart flight and intelligent modes. Its foldable design makes it portable. The drone includes a high-capacity battery for up to 28 minutes of flight, with two batteries provided. It’s user-friendly with safety features and Wi-Fi connectivity.

However, it struggles in the wind and may have video feed issues at high altitudes. Its battery life is shorter than some drones in its range.

In summary, the TENSSENX TSRC Q7 suits beginners and outdoor explorers. Despite limitations like wind sensitivity and no gimbal, its design, flight time, and features make it valuable.

Contixo F31 Pro

The Contixo F31 Pro drone is a standout. It’s advanced and user-friendly. Its 2.5K UHD camera captures impressive 4K images and 2.5K videos. The remote-controlled 90° angle camera allows for diverse photography. It’s perfect for capturing various scenes.

The flight performance of the F31 Pro is top-notch. It uses both GPS and GLONASS for precise navigation. The Follow Me Mode and Point of Interest features enhance creative photography. Its brushless motors ensure stable flight. The one-key takeoff/landing feature, 25-minute flight time, and 800-meter control range make it convenient and easy to control.

The design of the F31 Pro is great for travel and outdoor activities. It’s foldable and portable. It weighs less than 249 grams. This makes it ideal for adventurers and travelers looking for a compact drone.

The F31 Pro also has safety and reliability features. These include 5GHz FPV transmission for clear live video feedback. It also has GPS Auto Return Home, One Key Return, Low Power Return, and Signal Loss Return. These features offer security and reliability. They ensure a safe and enjoyable flying experience for new pilots.

In conclusion, the Contixo F31 Pro drone offers a mix of functionality, design, and safety. It’s an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced drone enthusiasts.

Potensic T25

In terms of control range, the Potensic T25 offers a maximum range of 300 meters. It continues recording even after losing connection, which is a notable advantage. With GPS-assisted flight, you can expect accurate positioning, a return home function, and an adjustable 3-speed mode.

Finally, the drone’s durability is commendable. Made of reinforced plastic and some aluminum, it’s light yet durable, making it suitable for various outdoor conditions. Overall, the Potensic T25 drone strikes a good balance between functionality, design, and durability, making it a worthy consideration for both beginners and experienced drone enthusiasts.captures impressive 4K images and 2.5K videos. The remote-controlled 90° angle camera allows for diverse photography. It’s perfect for capturing various scenes.

The flight performance of the F31 Pro is top-notch. It uses both GPS and GLONASS for precise navigation. The Follow Me Mode and Point of Interest features enhance creative photography. Its brushless motors ensure stable flight. The one-key takeoff/landing feature, 25-minute flight time, and 800-meter control range make it convenient and easy to control.

The design of the F31 Pro is great for travel and outdoor activities. It’s foldable and portable. It weighs less than 249 grams. This makes it ideal for adventurers and travelers looking for a compact drone.

The F31 Pro also has safety and reliability features. These include 5GHz FPV transmission for clear live video feedback. It also has GPS Auto Return Home, One Key Return, Low Power Return, and Signal Loss Return. These features offer security and reliability. They ensure a safe and enjoyable flying experience for new pilots.

In conclusion, the Contixo F31 Pro drone offers a mix of functionality, design, and safety. It’s an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced drone enthusiasts.

TizzyToy BL01

The TizzyToy BL01 is a steal for under $200. It’s perfect for drone newbies and seasoned pilots alike.

Its camera is top-notch. The 4K high-definition camera and 6K dual camera capture stunning aerial shots. They are adjustable and provide a wide shooting range.

This drone isn’t just about pretty pictures. It’s packed with features like gesture control and one-key start mode. These make it easy to navigate, even for beginners.

Worried about crashes? Don’t be! The front automatic obstacle avoidance feature has you covered. It ensures your flights are smooth and safe.

The TizzyToy BL01 is also foldable. Its user-friendly design withstands heavy winds. This means it’s reliable in different weather conditions.

In terms of performance, it stands out. Real-time image transmission provides quality imagery in challenging conditions. It features LED lights and a headless mode for enhanced versatility.

The TizzyToy BL01 is ideal for beginners, kids, and experienced drone pilots. It delivers advanced features at an affordable price. That’s value for money right there!


The TEEROK T18S is a standout in mid-range drones. It’s perfect for both new and experienced drone lovers. This drone mixes top features with an affordable price.

The TEEROK T18S has a great camera. Its 4K Ultra Clear Camera offers a wide 110° angle. You can adjust it up to 90°. This is great for high-quality photos and videos.

Performance-wise, this drone shines. It stays stable in wind thanks to its brushless motor and optical flow. This is key for clear and smooth images.

One big plus is the long flight time. The TEEROK T18S flies up to 44 minutes. This is longer than many similar drones. It’s great for getting the right shot without rushing.

The drone is also easy to use. It has GPS, auto return, and a ‘follow me’ mode. These features are good for both beginners and pros. They add convenience and dependability.

In terms of value, the TEEROK T18S scores high. It balances quality and cost well. This drone shows you don’t need to spend a lot for professional features.

In short, the TEEROK T18S is versatile and budget-friendly. It’s ideal for those into drone photography or videography. Its mix of advanced features and ease of use makes it a top pick in its range.

Buyer’s Guide: Is a Drone Under $200 Suitable for You?

Best Drone Under 200

Buying a drone on a budget needs careful thought. Budget drones are great, especially for beginner pilots. But, they have some limits. This guide will help you see if a budget drone is right for you.

Ideal Candidates for Budget Drones

Who should buy budget drones? They’re perfect for newbies. If you’re just starting with drone photography, a budget drone can be a great first step. They’re also good for drone experts looking for a less expensive option. Additionally, those interested in how drones are used in real estate may find budget drones a cost-effective way to explore this application.

Limitations and Considerations for Budget Buyers

Budget drones have some drawbacks. They often have shorter flight times and lower video quality, like 720p video. When buying a cheap drone, know these limits. They’re important to consider.

Key Features and Considerations in Budget Drones

Best Drone Under 200

When picking a budget drone, some features are key. You shouldn’t compromise on these, even for a cheaper price. This section covers those crucial features.

Battery Life and Charging

Battery life is vital. Check the drone’s battery life and charging time. Look for options with extra batteries or modular batteries. This makes flying more convenient.

The Importance of GPS in Drones

GPS in drones is a game-changer. It helps with flight path tracking and automatic return. A GPS-enabled drone adds to safety and a better flying experience.

Design and Portability

Design matters in drones. A key aspect of understanding their design is learning how drones work. Look for foldable drones as they are light and easy to carry. A good design means a compact package without losing quality. Knowing the mechanics behind drones can help you appreciate the ingenuity of their compact and efficient designs.

Flight Performance and Control

How a drone flies is crucial. Check for stable flight and easy control options. Different flight modes add to the drone’s versatility. A good remote controller makes flying easier and more fun.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This section tackles common queries about budget drones, offering clarity and helpful insights.

Do I Need to Register My Drone?

You must register your drone in many places, including the U.S., if it weighs over 250 grams. This applies to both recreational and commercial use. Not registering can lead to legal issues.

Where Can I Fly My Drone?

As a drone pilot, it’s your responsibility to know where it’s safe to fly. This includes understanding FAA guidelines and how to fly drones legally, which is crucial for adhering to airspace regulations and avoiding restricted areas like airports. There are apps to help you stay informed of airspace restrictions.

How Far Can I Fly My Drone?

The range of your drone varies based on its model and external factors like the weather. When considering a drone’s capabilities, an important aspect is how far can drones fly. Ranges differ based on various factors, and this particular query is crucial for understanding the limitations and possibilities of your drone.

  • Toy drones: Around 100 feet.
  • Small drones: 700 to 1,300 feet.
  • Medium drones: Up to 3.1 miles. Remember, the range can be more extensive for higher-end models.

What’s the Battery Life?

Budget drones usually last 10-15 minutes per battery. Some come with an extra battery, and you can often buy more. This means more time for flying, even on a budget.


Budget drones under $200 are great for beginners. They have useful features but also some limitations. Always fly within legal limits and enjoy exploring drone photography and videography.

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